Our Story
After falling victim to crypto fraud in the early days of blockchain technology (igot.com Rick Day), Glenn Baker who opened several of NZ''s first internet cafe's in the late 90's decided to launch Cryptocoach.nz designed to safeguard the growing number of Kiwi's taking the plunge into digital currency.. "I noticed people were falling into 'traps' confused by the sheer volume of online information & disinformation out there" he says. "decentralised ledger technology is quite brilliant, it has enormous potential to empower people and change the World for the better but as with new technology its susceptible to scammers & con artists". Cryptocoach has been primarily setup to guide New Zealanders through the early stages of engaging with crypto, 'this is where most pitfalls lie' says Glenn. Just like building a house, the foundation has to be solid to support whatever's built upon it, this is the same of Crypto, and here at Cryptocoach we ensure people lay a good foundation from the get-go.